Hi,我是郝志北,毕业于山东大学,浪潮通软平台与技术部的一名Java研发工程师,也搞过两年.Net、Angular、NodeJS等,主要技能点目前分布在低代码开发平台服务网关等基础框架、低代码建模语言、分布式事务等领域。平时喜欢玩玩开源,写写感悟,做做分享。浪潮UBML社区负责人、阿里巴巴Seata Contributor、开放原子大学(OpenAtom University)开源讲师。
Hi, I’m Hao ZhiBei, a back-end Java Engineer and an open source software enthusiast. I work for Inspur Group, GeneralSoftware Platform and Technology Department, responsible for low code development platform, distributed transaction, open source low code modeling language and other related technical fields. I am the community leader of ubml, the first open source project of Inspur, and Alibaba Seata Contributor, open source lecturer certified by the open atomic University.